02.21.24 MARKETWATCH: Palo Alto Nukes Tech Sector

Taking a quick look at the futures this morning, one can determine that the Nvidia earnings tonight could result in some serious fireworks.

From Finviz at 5:15 a.m. ET:

So just how bad has Palo Alto Networks earnings been received by the market? Ignore the indices above and look at the stock premarket as those who can sell, are doing so.

That’s some good eating there if one is gutsy enough to be short.

Today is going to be entertaining despite the hyperbole from the usual stock market hucksters that this is the most important earnings report since the end of World War II, Napoleon’s defeat, or the collapse of Rome.

In reality, if one is an old fart like myself, we’ve seen this movie before. Because I’m old enough to remember when America Online earnings were treated like the dawn of civilization and invention of the wheel.

There just wasn’t social media to promote the insanity.

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