America’s twilight is coming and the senile old guy who claims to President of the United States is going to speak with the senile old gal and some chick of Jamaican descent behind him. What does this mean?
I don’t have a damned clue.
Grandpa Forgot What Day it Is will be speaking to Vodka Nancy and a carefully selected group of Comintern Party loyalists and a few RINO’s for TV effect tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern time, well beyond his normal bed time. The disastrous results could lead to 99% of my readership passed out by 9:30 p.m. Eastern or worse, in intensive care with a bleep eating grin and major liver issues.
With that warning, I hope that the adults in the room, no, not in Congress, but who are reading this decide to make sure their livers are in prime condition to handle what may well be one of the worst State of Confusion speeches ever since George W. Bush and Barry Sotero were leading America into disaster.
- Every time Senile Joe loses his place….1 drink
- Every time Vodka Nancy looks like her teeth will fall out….1 drink
- When Joe mentions January 6, 2021…2 drinks
- If/when Joe blames Russia for everything….2 drinks
- When Joe takes credit for Trump’s vaccine success….3 drinks
- Every time the cameras zoom in on Traitor SCOTUS Justice Roberts…1 drink
- Every time Senile Joe mentions “migrants”….2 drinks
- If Kamala laughs during the speech…1 drink (I don’t want to kill my readers, just intoxicate them)
- Every time Senile Joe blames Trump for anything….1 drink
- Every time Senile Joe’s says to wear a mask or get a vaccine shot…1 drink (God help our livers)
I could list more, but let’s keep it simple until we pass out. Tonight’s choice for imbibing is in honor of Hunter Biden as his taste is obviously Ukrainian and so is the vodka for tonight:
Because why shouldn’t everyone destroy their body to end up like Senile Joe’s son, right?
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