Publix is Making Me Watch the Debate Tonight

Damn you Publix and your BOGOs 6 packs of my favorite beer!

I really didn’t want to watch this fiasco of two old men arguing over the split peas soup at a Golden Corral or senior home, but here I am preparing for this modern American nightmare.

Thankfully the NY Post has joined the fray with their version of the debate drinking game which should provide for some massive hangovers:

The Post’s official drinking game for the 2024 presidential debate between Trump and Biden

Some key rules to kill your liver and mine from the link above:

Take two shots … 

… when Biden asks of Trump and Republicans, “What are they for?”

… when Biden says he’s “proud” of convicted first son Hunter

… whenever Trump calls Biden “sleepy.”

… if either candidate brings up Hunter’s laptop

We all gonna die tonight or if we wake up, have one mother of a hangover.

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