An Average Russian Soldier Identifies How Bad America is Failing in One Epic Rant (Video-NSFW)

It’s weird hearing how the West’s military equipment is getting smoked in the very war those units were designed to fight in. Everything that NATO and other nations are shipping to the poor Ukrainians is touted as the latest and greatest weaponry ever created. Hell, for a while there I was believing it because look how we kicked third world ass from 1982 until 2021.

Then the humiliation of Kabul happened. Our military leadership, much more important than the tools of war, were exposed as corrupt, inept, and totally politicized. But that didn’t mean our weapons suck do they?

A lot of our overpriced toys actually do America and we had best wake up and smell the coffee, and I don’t mean that gun control loving Black Rifle crap. The reality is that we designed most of the armor, APC’s, IFV’s, naval vessels, aircraft, etc. to fight against the old USSR. Once we achieved victory against a second world military in Iraq and declared “Mission Accomplished” with the war on terror on hold in Afghanistan we were the top dog because ‘Murica damnit!

Unfortunately with the neocon philosophy of perpetual war for perpetual profit on the backs of exhausted soldiers and American taxpayers our wiz-bang weapons were designed for graft, not victory.

This one statement below from the video really sums up the mentality of practical military hardware versus the very same ideology that cost the German Panzer divisions so dearly in the final years of the war.

And now, sadly, by establishing a new woke military ideology, our nation is on the precipice for becoming a bigger joke militarily than 1939 Italy except with nuclear weapons of which may or may not function properly.

Thus this video is cold slap in the face from an average Russian grunt should be used as a wake-up call to Americans. Yeah, it’s full of swear words, then again it should be as I feel like swearing myself.

It’s sad that we have to hear that from our perceived enemy and not from the so-called leaders in our society. The problem is that the American people by and large do not feel the Russians are our enemy nor should we be fueling a very unwise war against the Russian people. America is at a crossroads in our history where we the roles are being reversed where we are becoming the old USSR and our economic and egotistical political elites are leading everyone to a disaster of Roman proportions.

Let us hope someone, anyone, will listen and act before it is too late.

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