Another Story Americans Will Not Hear from the Fake News Media: Major Chinese City Testing all Residents for Covid19

This could easily be titled as a “non-event” as the so-called financial news channels in the United States have been warned to not publish any information which casts the Chinese Communist Party’s handling in a negative light if they want to have any access to economic or business news on the mainland.

Add in the fact that our fake mainstream media refuses to call the China Virus or Wuhan Flu by any reference which points to mainland China as the originating location as they too receive financial investments from the Far East communist conglomerate, and finding stories like this will actually get more difficult once the social media giants going the full censorship movement on January 21, 2021.

From China Daily tonight:

Dalian testing all residents after outbreak


The latest round of tests, which started at noon on Tuesday, is expected to cover all residents within three days.

Residents have been told not to leave the city unless it is necessary, and those who do need to leave must first provide a negative nucleic acid test result no older than seven days.

From Dec 15 through Monday, the city reported five confirmed, domestically transmitted COVID-19 cases and 12 asymptomatic, domestically transmitted cases, officials said. On Monday alone, there were two new confirmed cases and six new asymptomatic cases.

Not a big deal per the Chinese state controlled media, right? This is a city, including surrounding suburbs, of almost seven million citizens. The Epoch Times version of the story indicates it might be a tad bit more severe than indicated:

The city hasn’t been fully transparent in releasing information about the outbreak. Based on documents previously obtained by The Epoch Times, local authorities have purposefully underreported infections.

Some residents in areas designated as high-risk, such as Jinpu New District, had just been tested a few days ago. The city announced on Dec. 22 that mandatory testing will be conducted on all residents within the next three days—meaning some will have to be tested again.

Interesting as this appears to follow the exact same pattern as when the first reports of an outbreak appeared in December of 2019 with local officials and the national government obfuscating the facts and downplaying the severity.

It’s almost as if the CCP is following the Cuomo model for pandemic containment now.

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