Is the Russia-Ukraine War About to Restart?

The first fifty days of the Biden Junta have been nothing short of a disaster with regards to their international policies and rudderless leadership. The weaponry the Trump administration might indeed have bolstered the defenses for the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) and now with a President of the United States that the Kiev government actually has invested real money into, they might feel emboldened to try to recover the territories they lost while Obama was doing his Neville Chamberlain imitation.

Hints of intensifying fighting are everywhere as these videos from the past few days demonstrate:

And on, and on and on it goes. Then there are the videos of suddenly large troop movements from the interior of the Ukraine in the directions of the Donbass and Lugansk regions.

And also in Russia, the same movements have been observed with rumors of large armored formations moving through the Rostov region and along the Ukrainian and Belarus borders. As far back as January 26th, an OECD drone photo alleges that T-64 tanks were being hidden in a forest in the Donbass region close to the front lines, in violation of the ceasefire.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian propaganda outlets were quick to point out the ceasefire violations and escalations allegedly committed by the pro-Russian forces.

The tit for tat on social media and regional outlets has only increased in the past three weeks, culminating on Friday with a somewhat direct warning from Russia (via Prensa Latina):

Russia warns Ukraine against shows of force in Donbass

From the article:

Russia called on Ukrainian authorities to cease and desist any attempts to increase the escalation and implement a scenario of force in Donbass, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday.

‘We would like to warn the Kiev regime, the hotheads who serve or manipulate it, about further escalation and attempts at implementing a force scenario in Donbass,’ she said, according to TASS news agency.

In the Lugansk region, there are rumors of a military call up:

The international internet intel community which monitors this type of activity are all leading to one conclusion; either side will be blamed for a conflict which starts in the region but any expansion of the war would be initiated by the Biden regime; a fatal error which could be the trigger for something much larger that the entire world would regret.

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