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Today’s CPI Report Was Soviet Level Propaganda

I’ll bet Joseph Stalin was blushing in hell reading this gigantic steaming pile of nonsense. What is your esteemed author talking about?

I just arrived after a brutal day of people telling me that disinflation was in place so my company had to cut prices or else because their sales sucked, and guess what; I “Googled” today’s CPI report and hoo boy, what a propaganda clown show.

I’m not sure if the clown emojis appeared naturally or if they might have been added, but they are so applicable with the amount of bull you know what the financial and mainstream media promoted, it’s terrifying.

Yet the media, the Bubblevisions (no, I shall not drop that term) or the political elites will never tell the truth, no matter how hedonically adjusted the numbers are. Thus despite their best efforts, the CPI in non-seasonally adjusted somewhat real terms if one thinks T-Bone steaks = Hamburger Helper (that’s hedonics you morons), then it’s only “up” 33% since the Bernanke QE episode of banking bailouts and printing started in March of 2009.

Maybe not so much of a decline or something.

If one does not eat fresh meat, drive a car requiring maintenance, need car insurance for that matter, enjoy eggs, bacon, or real food, but does in fact not have to go to the doctor, etc. then inflation is no big deal.


Granted, I’ve edited my graphic from Telegram this morning only because until you’ve tried to edit, screen print or type all this out in a spreadsheet on a 4.5″ screen, one can not appreciate just how bad you can screw up what one types. Sort of like Jay Powell’s press conferences.

But I digress, as usual.

If one notes the year over year prices above, this isn’t rocket science. Things that people eat, use, live in, etc. are still going up in price. Inflation on an annualized basis is reduced to “2.9%” per month annualized only because airline fares, new car prices, new home prices, or things like plastic surgery have declined a lot year over year.


Goods one might purchase once a year, once every 2-3 years or once a decade dropped in price. The items that the average person consumes every day or week, uh, skyrocketing in price on an annualized basis despite the “national average.”

To quote Colonel Sherman T. Potter from the legendary television program MASH:

“Bull cookies”

If you eat it, use it, clean with it, take a pill for it, buy gas for it, change its oil, or use it to keep your body from smelling like a got, odds are you are spending more on it.

Keep that in mind when America’s heavily politicized data is published by the propaganda ministries of the United State’s various government departments.

That is all.

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