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From the Same “Safe and Effective” Medical Crew

The medical industry is under attack.

If it’s the denizens of Big Pharma, one’s local doctor, or God forbid, the insurance companies one constant has remained since the stupid pandemic of 2020:

The medical industry has turned into a piss poor version of used car salesmen.

To most medical offices it is about getting that ever so important insurance subsidized payment instead of individualized health care, especially as the older doctors retire in disgust, avoiding the pill for payment program many medical professionals have adopted.

Thus when this article appeared in the New York Post yesterday, it was not a shock:

Junk food hikes risk of 32 diseases and health conditions — including death: scientists

By nature, my blog and opinions are those of the cynic.

Hence, who has a financial interest in an article like this one with quotes from a ‘study’ like this:

A new study has found an association between ultra-processed foods and over 30 health complications, including depression, sleep disturbances and death related to cardiovascular disease.

“Overall, direct associations were found between exposure to ultra-processed foods and 32 (71%) health parameters spanning mortality, cancer, and mental, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and metabolic health outcomes,” study author Dr. Melissa Lane, an associate research fellow at Deakin University, told South West News Service.

Thus if one eats like crap, someone’s risk of dying is higher.

Thank you Captain Obvious.

In another article, the warnings about common food processing chemicals appeared:

Consumer Reports Study: Harmful chemicals found in majority of groceries, fast-foods

Without much fanfare, here is an excerpt from the article via CBS-8 in San Diego:

A new study by Consumer Reports found that two chemicals linked to various health risks are widespread among popular items. Shopping for organic food isn’t a surefire way to avoid these chemicals.

“I would say I’m not shocked that we’re finding these,” said registered dietitian, Rachel Rothman.

Oh noes, we all gonna die!


Researchers found that 99% of grocery store foods and fast foods they tested contained phthalates.

Additionally, 79% of the food samples also contained bisphenol, an industrial chemical that’s used in plastic manufacturing. 

Weirdly enough, a lot of these “studies” and “pronouncements” are from the same people who said that the Covid-19 shots were “safe and effective” yet refuse to comment on the sudden surge of under 50 year old heart disease. Or the under 21 year old surge in “sudden” deaths due to heart ailments.

Read more studies and don’t trust the mainstream media.

Because maybe, just maybe, they might be promoting the latest and greatest obesity reducing drugs which allows one to keep eating crappy foods despite the fact that there are no long term studies of the health impacts on adults or children of these expensive prescriptions that they are trying to sell to a very lazy and ignorant American public.

Just like the Covid shots and masks worked so well as there are still no long term studies underway to report on the consequences of those decisions made just three years ago.

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