By John Galt
January 19, 2009
Salve, o poplod’Eori,
Salve, o Patria Immorale!
Son rinati I figli tuoi
Con la fe’ dell’ideale.
Il valor de’tuoi guerrieri,
La virtu dei pionieri,
la vision de l’Alighieri,
oggi brilla in tt’i cuor
Dell’Italia nei confini,
son rifatti gli Italiani,
li ha rifatti Mussolini
per la guerra di domani
per la gioia del lavoro
per la pce e per l’alloro,
per la gogna di coloro
che la Patria rinnegar
I poeti e gli artigiani,
i signori e i containi
con orgoglio d’Italiani
giuran fede a Mussolini
non v’e povero quartiere
che non manda le sue schiere
che non spieghi la bandiere
del fascismo redentor.
Giovvinezza, viovinezza
primavera di bellezza!
Della vita Nell’saprezza
il tuo canto squilla e va!
‘Giovienezza’ – The anthem of Mussolini’s Fascist Party (translation at the end of this article).
The thunderous ovation which we shall be exposed to over the next twenty-four hours will only be diminished by the cloud of dust raised by the modern day version of the ‘squadrists’ and their ability to distort truth or force you to accept from the particular point of view of the ruling party. The mainstream media is pleading for everyone to please work together in a new era of cooperation where the smiles of the Republican hypocrites shaking hands with the same people who called them “baby killers” not too many years ago indicates that the nation has come full circle and the air of crisis shall supersede principled reason and logic; which of course means bypassing that damned piece of paper that our Founding Fathers fought so hard to create.
The opinion piece you about to read is not a particularly joyous one to pen tonight. In fact much of it was concocted over the last two weeks in bits and pieces as I listened to and witnessed the desire of our nation to find some sort of universal saviour for the errors of the citizens, neglecting their duties to be self-sufficient for their lives and instead leaving the responsibility for their lives in the hands of the elected help who had an alternative motive, the same that all elected bodies eventually have deteriorated to for the past two thousand plus years of civilization. The debate of when, where and how the average American surrendered control is an issue up for debate for a new generation of historians that may yet to have even been born. The ideals of freedom and debate though, will soon be extinguished like a wooden match struck in a hurricane. This entry is an attempt to provide a perspective I have not heard nor witnessed in the discussion of the upcoming Obamanation.
The “Hope” Squadrism Religion
The definition of the word “hope” is subjective when used in the English language properly and perverted into a political philosophy when used to provide a perceived benefit to the masses to advance the cause of the ruling party. What you have witnessed with the song ‘Giovienezza’ and its historical importance was the desire to change a political philosophy into a political religious movement, thus obscuring the desired political activities by blinding the masses with a false religion. If you watch this video about “Yes We Can” and how that anthem has been changed in the same manner, you realize that we not only on the same path. The children have no clue what they are being used for. But th programming of a generation to achieve change without a defined goal in a fervor of religious blindness is what created the nightmares of the 1920’s and 1930’s and will repeat itself once again; this time though in our nation.
By using the English language as a scalpel instead of a blunt instrument the intent of words and their meanings help create a philosophy where none exists to mask actual beliefs of the new ruling party. This is what the Democrats and Obama have learned in the past twenty years from their hiatus in power. Instead of insisting that Republicans or Conservatives favor “murdering children” by blocking absurd food subsidy and government sponsored health care, they will use the religion of “hope” to point out that anyone opposed to their agenda is blocking America’s new future, thus depriving the elderly, the children, the handicapped and the sick of much needed care which could giver them the hope they need to survive and change their lives for this brave new world.
This religious fervor will expand beyond the political rhetoric and be merged into the Christian churches of this nation willing to adopt a philosophy the creates a national ideal of socialist piety despite the Amendments and rulings of the courts in the past. This fervor will mask the philosophical ideals of Marx under the guise of Jesus, allowing the wolf into the temple to create a fog of war between various religious sects, which could take decades to reverse. Legitimate philosophical debate will become a stifled art as the squadrists will shout down and forcefully eliminate opposition to their ideals, as nebulous as they might be. If you do not believe that this is possible, the model has been tested, used and implemented with great success over the last century in Italy, Germany, Chile, Argentina, Soviet Russia, Communist China (heck the entire Communist Bloc for that matter) and inside many other authoritarian and semi-democratic regimes. This might sound like a drastic declaration for an administration that has not even been sworn in at this time, but trust me, as the economy deteriorates the religious fervor will grow.
The Media Squadrists
Does this really need any explanation?
On MSDNC (formerly ‘MSNBC’ but why not call it what it is?), the entire staff has fawned like love sick schoolgirls at a Beatles concert in the early 1960’s. The network news has declined to a point where Goebbels would have been proud to have power like this under his thumb and the Republican enabled NPR sounds like a twenty-four seven version of the old Radio Moscow World Service singing the praises of their elderly communist chairmen. I did not make a mistake by the way my fellow readers; the Republicans had the past eight years to put a stake in the heart of public broadcasting yet failed to do so due to political cowardice. The evolution of the Algore internet has allowed free speech to find alternative broadcast mediums, along with the expansion and success of A.M. talk radio.
Those days are numbered and the methodology used to kill free speech will be in defense of free speech itself.
The alternative media, of which yours truly as a blogger and part time broadcaster is proudly a part of, has a weakness and that is the inability to accept the religion of hope and the correct way to address the changes that are forthcoming. By reporting facts and reality you now become an obstacle to the greater good and the freedom of the masses to succeed with government help, thus creating a material threat to the very existence of this nation in the eyes of the new political order. The new media squadrists will concoct stories, create libelous exaggerations, and using the power of the government gun eventually collapse the alternative media to a point of irrelevancy in the debate on our future. That is how a successful socialist revolution is executed and that is the path we are on.
So to my fellow bloggers, internet and shortwave broadcasters, talk radio mavens and mega-stars, I offer this advice:
Watch your six.
The Economic Squadrist Movement
I can just hear the squeals now: “Gee Galt, you’ve lost your ever loving freaking mind. You’re just one of those radical right wing nutcases that thinks everyone is out to get you and will say anything to obscure the truth from being spoken.” Why do I anticipate this hew and cry from the detractors? That answer is simple.
The headline screamed out:
Butffett says the U.S. is in the Midst of an “Economic Pearl Harbor”
The key phrase from the article is this statement from Mr. Buffett:
“Barack Obama is “the absolute right commander in chief” to guide the country through the financial crisis.”
Sound familiar? It should if you watch financial media or mainstream media programming at any point during the past year or so. His minions have been out there proclaiming this party line for well over a year with the help of some very powerful U.S. CEO’s. Wall Street hedged their bets by donating heavily to the Obama campaign and Democratic candidates in the hopes of creating a huge shared oligopoly where government mandated industry by industry consolidations financed on the backs of the taxpayer will protect weakened financial companies and specific sectors that are deemed “in the national interest” to prevent an outright collapse, whether real or not. This power grab is astonishing not because of the blatancy, but the absolute drubbing that opponents to the ideas of shared risk and government ownership are taking from the economic powerful in this country.
By creating a series of oligopolies with government having a seat at the board, it insures that the party in power will always have some degree of control for political payback to the workers, or employees who vote for them and in that same breath the corporation is guaranteed a safety net no matter how mediocre or pathetic the products or services offered may be. This game will work infinitely as long as man other nations in the world continue to accept the U.S. Dollar as the world’s reserve currency but the Federal Reserve is preparing the American people and those parties who will not play along a rude awakening. The most powerful squadrist entity, the Federal Reserve, is making its play to become the fourth branch of government and in the new administration it has a willing ally to succeed. This means that those people and entities will no longer just have a fight on Main Street for competitive viability or pure capitalism; it means to succeed they will have to join the party and contribute heartily or be ‘absorbed’ to prevent a national disaster as the squadrist religious and media factions would call it. The economic future America faces is bleak and saddening for the inability to engage in normal business transactions based on a level playing field is being whittled away first by the Bush administration and now by the squadrists who have a new plan, one which promotes stability but no competition or equality.
The Constitutional Squadrists
The Founding Fathers, as wise as they were, could never have foreseen Ipods, personal computers, the internet and cell phones. So based on their inability to accommodate the Constitution for modern evolution the courts used societal input when modifying the original intent and creating a ‘living’ document for the times we live in.
It’s total horse crap but you know that is what the socialist left believes and in fact they are teaching younger generations at this time. Why then should we fear the Constitutional squadrists? They will be using their legalistic authority to crush all opposition to their initiatives. Gun Control? If you oppose it, you are against the intent of the Founding Fathers and the belief that Americans should own no more than a hunting rifle and that amendment was for militia only. Habeas Corpus? That ideal shall be for those only engaged in physical crimes or crimes of necessity to feed their families, not those crimes against the state or the Republic. The interpretation of the law is just as important as the judges selected but when you create an intricate web of Executive Orders and massive new legislative initiatives the ability of the courts to create findings that defend the original Constitutional intent will be diminished as the courts may not address the cases for years if not decades.
Thus to protect our freedoms those freedoms must be redefined and as the living document gets older and older the “changing world” will require a massive revision to the Constitution and the last two states will vote for a new convention as the economic situation worsens. The Pandora’s Box will thus be opened and the new vision the new elite have for America can finally be implemented. If you oppose it, their legal squadrists and their fleet of subpoenas and lawsuits will be paying you a visit.
The “National Service” Squadrists
During my annual prediction show on the radio, I postulated the idea that due to sagging unemployment numbers and an over-extended military repetatedly deployed overseas, that the new administration would propose the creation of a new division for NORTHCOM to serve only inside of the United States or North America with the same benefits and no overseas deployments to the Middle East, South Korea, etc. The idea seemed absurd when I first thought about it, then the Army Times reports came out about moving brigades from Iraq to the U.S. for “domestic” service as needed. Now this idea of an expanded military, something the Republicans would endorse, being created and enlarged for domestic “national service” seems more like an eventuality rather than a talk radio fantasy.
The “National Service” rhetoric has been ratatched up in recent days and with tomorrow’s inauguration calls for an “Era of Responsibility” and the proclamation Obama made today that “”Everybody’s got to be involved. Everybody’s going to have to pitch in, and I think the American people are ready for that,” you can see that we are no longer in for the standard Peace Corps type of volunteerism. This has all of the earmarks of the “you will volunteer or we’ll send people to volunteer you” type of bullying that the new party in power has used their leftist thugs to menace the unbelievers with. You might think that your children may be going to the zoo to learn or picking up trash as a public service; in many cases they might. But if they are all taught to march in uniforms in a straight line and sing “Yes We Can” over and over again, how much of a reach is it for them to begin reporting on your having a beer or cigarette, both legal substances, to the authorities to get you forced into a “health re-education” program or worse accused of child abuse.
Squadrists can come in any size. In the United Kingdom there are already programs underway for children to turn their parents in for “not acting green or in the best interests of Mother Earth” as the envirocommies movement has gone off the deep end. What is to prevent such programs from coming to our shores as the opposition to Kyoto style accords is swamped by the new National Service to the Earth and Environment fervor sweeps the nation at every age level. See how this can deteriorate quickly as out national leadership determines what causes ‘volunteers’ are needed for and the political actions desired by those in power? The idea of national service is normally a laudable course of action for the citizens of a nation, but not when it is mandatory and not when it is used for political purposes. Be prepared for little kids marching up your lawn with grinning parents looking on to advance the cause of their superiors.
Why the Term Squadrist?
Now that I have beaten that term into your head, a brief education on its origin and the relevance to the new political leadership assuming power in just about thirteen hours from now. In the book Mussolini’s Italy the author so eloquently pointed out how Mussolini rejected his Socialist Party origins during World War I and evolved into a populist leader by assuming control of a new political party of that time. When the use of brute force was necessary to achieve political goals or eliminate the competition, squadrism was employed where a group of paramilitary thugs were used to intimidate, injure or even eliminate the opponent(s).
Insane as that might sound in the application of the current administration, that is the fear I have and the implementation of his goals. The use of brute force would be hopefully extremely rare yet the blunt trauma of the power of the state will make for a nice substitute of paramilitary gangs. This is a time to be cautious for what is ahead, prepared for a very unstable future, and measured in our words. The time for freedom is now and nobody within our nation’s borders can guarantee that will apply to the non-believers in the future. Thus the terminology and my concerns that we will see nothing less than the evolution of a modern day Italy, with similar goals of a massive corporatocracy ruled by the central party and a group of technocrats creating and manipulating policy to serve the daily needs.
I pray I am wrong.
English Translation of Giovenezza; this should make you think:
Hail, O people of heroes, hail O immortal patria, you sons are reborn with faith in the idea. The courage of your warriors, the strength of your pioneers, the vision of Dante Alighieri, today shine in every heart. In the Italy with its natural borders, Italians are remade. They are remade by Mussolini for the war to come tomorrow, for the joy of hard work, for peace and the laurel, for those who are renegades of the patria to be placed beneath the yoke. The poets and the artisans, the gentlemen and the peasants, proud of being Italian, swear faith to Mussolini. There is no poor part of town which does not send its formations, which does not spread the flags of Fascism, bringing us redemption.
The Chorus:
Youth, youth, springtime of loveliness. Your song rings out everywhere in the bitterness of life.
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