By John Galt January 19, 2009 Salve, o poplod’Eori,Salve, o Patria Immorale!Son rinati I figli tuoiCon la fe’ dell’ideale.Il valor de’tuoi guerrieri,La virtu dei pionieri,la…
Posts tagged as “OBAMA”
The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee meets this week and faces the ultimate decision regarding the creature they have unleashed on the global economy: Do…
The historical markers which defined the course of the twentieth century were undeniable, obvious, and of course quite frightening. The leaders which changed the course…
No, I’m not a “die hard” MAGA Trumper, but if one does actually report the facts, the Trump administration did not have the type of…
Before the discussion begins on Senator Irving, let us all review everything that has happened in the past ten weeks: The Afghan military has collapsed…