So the junior traders got their shot and were left very specific instructions: “Don’t play with the algos boys and girls and not moving our…
Posts tagged as “FED”
These pages just predicted that gold will finish 2025 strong, however, historically during post-election periods, there are some interesting tendencies which impact the gold market…
Now that we’ve digested and expelled the hellish year of 2024, one has to ask just how much more fun can we have in 2025?…
As the gas is being let out of the latest memecoin tonight, it might be a wise time to review some monetary history and the…
The majority of financial media is in need of two paddles and a shock to their chests as the “bull market forever” and end of…
Here we go again boys and girls. It’s that time where our monetary overlords step down from the mountaintops and bequeath upon us their rulings…
In one of Mel Brooks most definitive works, a scene where he is playing King Louis the XVI and the “piss boy” summarizes pretty much…
For those long time residents of Florida who have endured hurricanes and readers of these pages, the headline for this brief piece is perfectly logical…
Today the bond market resumed its violent move with higher yields which shocked the world after President Donald Trump’s resounding victory. So why is this…
The resounding victory of President Donald Trump over Vice-President Kamala Harris has opened up the biggest economic question of the modern era: Now what? The…
The unfortunate part of enjoying a self-enforced news blackout during a hurricane is that one misses the big picture economic news events which keeps us…
If one has followed these pages for any duration more than one year, the reader would be wise to recall that this author has a…
Perhaps it sounds something like this: Views: 105
IF one is a geek like myself, the idea of using a Star Trek analogy to the Burnsian like Federal Reserve under the management of…
On Sunday night for the MacroEdge Ozone publication, I published a preview of today’s FOMC meeting where I outlined the choice for the Fed and…