As yours truly was scrolling through 8K’s from the banks a headline hit on my X (Twitter) feed which summed up the definition of peak stupid:

After the shock from this headline, I turned off all of my lights, put a for sale sign on my large gas guzzling SUV, told my wife to walk or bike to work, and immediately began throwing away all food which required energy to cook with.
Okay, honestly none of that part happened.
But this is a legitimate story from one of the print versions of the Bubblevisions, the Financial Times and they are serious:
Is LNG worse for the climate than coal?
The key excerpt below says it all about these loons.

Another professor was quoted in the article seeming to validate this nut job’s findings. At no point did the FT seek an alternative scientific opinion nor reveal who the members of the “peer review” group were that supposedly validated this study.
Instead they just went down the old “well Republicans objected” highway and highlighted how the senile old guy who is supposedly President used this to justify a freeze on LNG projects in the United States. The problem with this analysis is that the old guy doesn’t know anything about this subject and the closest he’s gotten to natural gas is the smell from his full adult diapers.
Meanwhile, China and Russia are plowing ahead expanding LNG exploration and exports while the Greta Thuberg fearing West watches their economies teeter on the edge of disaster due to a lack of reliable energy supplies.
Perhaps, just perhaps, the Financial Times might just drop it’s aura of neutrality and admit that this is another attack on capitalism and believe it or not another justification to block Russian gas exports.
Then again the newspapers and mainstream media of the West, be it at the national level or the financial world long ago dropped the idea of unbiased journalism in favor of become propaganda organs long ago.
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