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US 10 Year Treasury Trades Like a MemeCoin

This is not a sign of a stable US Government bond market boys and girls.

Other than badly named cryptocurrencies that trade wide and loose, seeing a 37.50% moves in bond spreads is not what I would call a healthy sign for a sovereign credit as the US 10 year treasury bond sold off hard today:

It looks even worse when compared to the 3 month to 10 year spread:

Remember one important fact:

Usually when the 3 month to US 10 year yield curve dis-inverts, America is usually in a recession and a deep one at that. Considering the duration of the numerous yield curve inversions a long recession or several large cycle recessions are probably in the cards for the US economy.

Buckle up as the winter of America’s discontent is shaping up to be a doozy.

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One Comment

  1. Paddy O'Furniture Paddy O'Furniture 10/22/2024

    There is zero argument we are NOT in a recession:
    – Commerce is dying with inflation no one has any money left
    – US manuf. is dying on the vine per usual-
    – The US is stone broke living off of the remaining fumes

    Why we even report these bold face lies masquerading as "data" everybody knows they are lies, it's like we are in a doom loop play where it s all idiots as far as the eye can see

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