Yes, President Senior Moment actually went there yesterday in this video:
They fixed the Christmas supply chain issues? I spoke with a small time area retailer over the past weekend who told me that he’s been notified his container full of goods was arriving in early January. The shipment was due in southwest Florida in August of 2021. The contents? His store’s 2021 Halloween merchandise.
Based on this delay, he expects his remaining Christmas goods to arrive by Memorial Day 2022.
The sistuation is so bad even one of the regime’s propaganda outlets, CBS News did a story on the problems for Christmas shoppers:
The supply chain issues he claims to have fixed barely been solved and the ports are still a mess. Another junta media outlet dared to speak outside of the propaganda circle as YahooFinance did a story on the problem where the delays were highlighted in this excerpt:
Separately, figures from Marine Exchange of Southern California show there were 113 container ships waiting inside the 40-mile zone as of Wednesday. And Flexport’s Ocean Timeliness Indicator (OTI), which measures from the point of production to the destination port, showed travel times hit a record high of 112 days last week — caused by longer times taken for ocean vessels shipping from Asia to Europe.
Trans-Pacific Eastbound, China-to-US routes, jumped to 106 days, based on the time taken to ship cargo to the Asian ports, Flexport found.
Meanwhile, there have been massive delays at ports like Savannah, Georgia to Newark, New Jersey — and in Britain, the Netherlands, and China, with roughly six hundred cargo ships globally left waiting to unload at one point last month.
Amid the delays, California port officials have postponed a plan to slap fines on abandoned containers that have become an eyesore for residents.
With the massive Covid-19 outbreak in China, especially in the manufacturing and port cities, this will not get better in the first half of 2022 and in fact is expected to worsen. How much worse? Check out this advisory from the container line Maersk:

“Packages are moving. Gifts are being delivered! Shelves are not empty,” Biden declared.
Shelves are empty.
Quite a few gifts can not be found in retailers.
On the manufacturing side of things has gone from “Just in Time” models to pray for goods to arrive in 8 weeks to keep production going.
Yet a senile old fool and his “team” are out trying to tell us that the Emperor’s New Clothes are really fashionable.
Buckle up for 2022 ladies and gents, as regional food shortages are next up in the United States and that will become the big story along with the final and complete collapse of the J.I.T. manufacturing concept. Inflation over the next six months will probably peak after exceeding the Jimmy Carter insanity of the late 1970’s.
What happens after the peak should concern any sane soul.
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[…] in check per the mouthpieces of the Biden junta. For example this beaut of a talking point which Senile Joe uttered yesterday during his “supply chain” Zoom call yesterday and repeated ad […]