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The Bubble has Popped: Part 1

After almost two years of warning that “It’s a Bubble“, welp, the damned thing has popped.

One would not hear that on the Bubblevisions, instead you’ll hear the usual “buy my crap so I’ll get my bonus and won’t sink my brokerage” commentary like this one:

OF course, it’s not a “bottom” or bubble bursting until the plastic bull throwing fool says so, right?


He still has shit stocks in his personal portfolio to offload. You know, like you know what, you know when:

He was right about one thing; they were taken over but if you held at 34, you took a 32 dollar arse whoopin’ unless you jumped off a bridge before the JPM takeover.

It’s not just equities that popped this year however. The crypto tribe took it in the shorts today on several fronts. As of this writing, here is what the daily chart looks like and YOUCH!

How bad is it getting? Welp, back to the “oops, we’re down so you can’t liquidate” excuses:

Sorta weird how this keeps “unexpectedly” happening…

Gee, I wonder why Crypto Crapto’d:

Russia set for complete ban on cryptocurrencies

So what my reader says? How about this beaut of a story:

Fed Releases Much-Anticipated Report On Digital Dollar

As I have long warned, the Mafia, much less a central bankster, dares to tolerate too much competition for too long.

But don’t worry, but bubble blowers won’t go quietly into the night:

Have no fear though folks, standing in front of a computer monitor and jogging 17 miles with some robotic voice yelling at you to get your ass in gear is a winning business model. Right?

Peloton to halt production of its Bikes, treadmills as demand wanes

Don’t worry though, the chart looks, uh, er, umm, existing still, unlike Bull Throwing Boy’s Bear Stearns call:

Just way too much winning in 2022 for me.

Wear a hat if you’re not in position for this, because popping bubbles can make a mess of your hair.

Unless your last name is Cramer.

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One Comment

  1. Corgi the Banned Corgi the Banned 01/22/2022

    To be fair I made quite a bit of money selling Crypto at the peak. It was awesome. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut. When it hit it’s peak my gut told me there’s no way this is worth that much.

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