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Welcome to October or the God of Khaos

Then out of Khaos, Ouranos and Gaia came. They gave birth to the Ourea and the Nesoi. After them was the dark Tartaros. Eros was born and was the most handsome of the gods. From Khaos, Erebos and Nyx were born. Aether and Hemera came after them. Then Pontos, Thalassa, Phanes, Physis, Chronos and Ananke were born.

He walk with the idea that he will once again walk again In the beginning there was only Khaos. It was complete discord. The earth was not solid, the sea was not liquid, and the sky was not gas. Khaos created the Island of Creation where he gave birth to the Protogenoi. Khaos put an end to the discord by creating Ouranos and Gaia.

The Mythology of Khaos

Welcome to the historical month of chaos.

This cryptic message brought to you by someone who has studied history and realizes that the world is truly at the brink.

What one must ask now is, what will emerge from the birth from the chaos as speculated in The Fourth Turning by Neil Howe? Shall the West collapse? Will America emerge as a modern monster, shaming the era of the USSR and Mao’s China? Will our economy devolve into a divided class of the welfare dependent, the enslaved middle class worker, and a much smaller group of political and economic elites?

Or shall we simply devolve into an era of perpetual war to cure the perceived “overpopulation” crisis?

Thus far in just the first day of October there is evidence of wars, rumors of a world war, natural disasters, economic crisis, and political fracture. Yet the mainstream “media” which has enshrined itself as the official office of propaganda and “newspeak” proclaims that everything is great, please continue to max out your credit card and buy porno, garbage tech, and cars that shall never be paid off by the masses.

I wish that was the users only video, but no, he’s got lots of them in his feed of this type of behavior.

But it’s not a speculative or credit bubble according to the “experts.”

Real estate is on the razor’s edge and Hurricane Helene’s aftermath will only make it worse as people panic sell to leave Florida and other states that were flooded. The crash will be worse than 2009 as the government will not bail out the middle and lower class but only the banks. Again.

The stock market is in the largest bubble since 1929, but don’t let that distract you as you open up your quarterly statement.

Wars are exploding around the globe and governments are doing all they can to silence detractors by calling them traitors and “Russian agents” or other such nonsense.

The next 18 weeks will reshape America, Europe, and the world for decades to come.

Pray no one gets any dumber than they are by accelerating crashes or expanding conflicts, or the consequences will make one beg for something sane.

Like the Roman and Greek god, Khaos.

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