The usual and newly minted crypto souls are back on the various financial media and websites preaching that once again the “shiny rock” is no…
Posts tagged as “PRECIOUS METALS”
Shocking News for Newly Minted Gold Bulls
The panic is on with the new gold bulls as prices have declined precipitously since President Trump won the election. The various headlines from the…
Gold Is Warning About a Major Economic Crisis
Throughout history, America has witnessed wild cycles of economic advance, often accompanied with inflationary price surges, then economic contractions which some might classify as deflationary…
Gold Fails to Breakout But is the Rally Over?
The week that was saw gold breakout to a new all time high above $2450 per ounce and then an extremely violent selloff in the…
Gold isn’t Dead, It’s Preparing for the Big One
The financial media broke into its usual “see we told you so” hyperventilation after gold broke to the downside on Friday after this story hit…
FCOJ and Steak: Commodities Indicate Massive Pain this Autumn
For those that might partake, one might want to get it out your system by enjoying one’s favorite screwdriver libation now, before the price skyrockets…
A Gold Correction is Coming
Sadly, there were signs. This story from tonight’s New York Post was a siren screaming into the night: Gold shining ‘bright like a diamond,’ could…
TINA Means Inflate or Die
The younger crowd will probably not remember the legendary newsletters nor interviews of Richard Russell and his Dow Theory Newsletter. In one of those letters…
The Last Lone Ranger: HiYo Silver Away!!!
It’s that time. It’s almost that moment. Yeah, there are goldbugs. There are cryptobugs. Then there are us crazy ass silverbugs. Despite popular knowledge and…
2024 1st Quarter Gold Report: Yeah Baby!
Folks, this isn’t rocket science. In periods of monetary, credit, and related political dysfunction and instability, gold still is the safest asset on earth. Before…
Doctor Copper Diagnoses a Major Problem
For those who are not long time listeners, readers, or viewers of yours truly pages and podcasts from the past, I’m one of those strange…
Despite Today’s Action, the Gold Rally Continues
IF one is like myself, a former message board addict (yes, Bbs), who watched every available tick of gold, silver and any other investment in…
Gold’s 2023 Performance Brings Doubts into 2024
The recent rally in gold has demonstrated that it is the preferred life preserver for central banks and investors during stormy times but it has…
10.09.23 Marketwatch: It’s a Sucker’s Game
The angst over the Middle East War, the irregular strength in the US economy, rumors of financial institutions having problems with bloated reserves full of…
2023 Vacation Book Review #3: The Mandibles (a Family 2029-2047)
Finally I get to provide a somewhat positive review for an old piece of doomer fiction that somehow had slipped through the cracks for me…