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03.18.23 BREAKING NEWS: Former President Donald J. Trump to be Arrested on Tuesday

The vengeance and pettiness of the Democrat Party is about to cross the proverbial Rubicon on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.

From President Trump on Truth Social:

Per Fox News the preparations and coordination with the US Secret Service are well under way:

As well documented in these pages, I am no fan of the ex-President. However the nation does not need a reset as the leftists are demanding in what is nothing more than a political prosecution of a man who did nothing worse than any modern former President of the United States.

The precedent this will set will now set neighbor against neighbor, and Republican politicians will now have free reign to prosecute, arrest, and imprison Democrat politicians and donors, both current and former, due to this action.

Just like 1859, the Democrat Party is overplaying their hand.

The consequences may well be the same.

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