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America, Our F.B.I. has Become an Internet Meme

Just when one thinks it can not get any worse, this from Breitbart News today:

Media Hysteria Fail

Press and Police Outnumber Protesters at Peaceful D.C. Rally for People Jailed in Capitol Riot

And yes, it was an epic failure of the left to try to scare everyone about “another insurrection” or something so they can distract from the epic failures of Senile Joe.

What was worse though? The appearance of some “MAGA” protesters, allegedly, at the rally:

I wonder who at the Department of Justice authorized our FBI to go shopping at JC Penney’s for these outfits.

First and foremost, I do wear my hair short. And yes, I enjoy wearing G-Shock watches, not Garmins. But as a self-respecting redneck Florida cracker, I have NEVER worn my jorts with the hems rolled up and then swen up. Nor have I ever seen any real man who hasn’t got masculinity issues wear black high ankle socks with what appears to be boat shoes; not someone who isn’t under the age of say 80.

Thus it was very easy for the internet to have a good time discussing this yuge threat of another MAGA “insurrection” and the millions of dollars wasted by our government:

So our “undercover” FBI agents tried to blend in with the dozens of protesters. So how did they become internet memes instantly?

Gee, I wonder why. Then again, wearing your sidearm like this so obviously doesn’t say a lot about our Department of Justice training programs either:

For some reason, I do not feel my taxpayer dollars are being spent wisely.

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One Comment

  1. tom tom 09/18/2021

    Lots of overtime.

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