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The Most “Popularly” Elected President is Hated (Videos)

Think the headline is over the top? Well if you’re the sensitive type, don’t click on the videos below to get some idea as just how America’s collegiate students are expressing their “support” for Mr. 81 Million votes.

Coastal Carolina Game the other night:

Thank you Old Row Sports for all of these great snippets by the way.

At a bar that’s pro-Alabama in Tuscaloosa:

Virginia Tech game:

Texas A&M game:

Nothing like driving the left crazy when college football returns and they are going to be bent because it wasn’t for a “social justice” cause but to drink beer and watch a fun game.

If you think what the college kids are saying about Senile Joe is bad, you should hear what our military’s lower echelon is saying to people in private. This clown is overseeing an era much worse than the 1979-1980 Carter administration and for that, Jimmy thanks him.

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