Just one day after the unprecedented raid on former President Trump’s Mar-A-Lago home, this news breaks which just spells out how sick our flailing Roman Empire has become:
FBI searched Melania’s wardrobe, spent hours in Trump’s private office during Mar-a-Lago raid
The New York Post headline just makes one wonder; did all those freaks we stuffed in football lockers in high school actually grow up to learn how to shoot lesser caliber handguns and wear pantyhose for a living to oppress our freedoms?
More from the article linked above:
FBI agents scoured Melania Trump’s wardrobe and spent several hours combing through Donald Trump’s private office, breaking open his safe and rifling through drawers when they raided the former First Family’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida Monday morning.
The Post has learned that the search warrant used by the FBI to enter the palatial Palm Beach property focused solely on presidential records and evidence of classified information being stored there.
A source close to the former president expressed concern that FBI agents or DOJ lawyers conducting the search could have “planted stuff” because they would not allow Trump’s attorneys inside the 128-room building to observe the operation, which lasted more than nine hours.
I wonder how many “sniffs” the perverts took into “Melania’s wardrobe” in their desperate search for “evidence.”
This morning I made the mistake of tuning into RINO talk radio. All I heard was that these were just “rank and file professional field agents” just “doing their jobs.”
Our nation as we used to know it before 1990 is over.
The government is run by a freak show and our “premier” law enforcement agency can never be trusted again. I was once interviewed by them in the 1990’s due to some of my “early” writings. They were “professional” then, unlike now. Trust me on that one.
They are not now nor really law enforcement.
Truly, and sadly, they are the brown shirts of this regime and they can not be trusted, believed, or given any respect. This is a freak show endorsed by Marxists designed and used to overthrow our Constitution.
Do not believe otherwise at your own risk.
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