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Just What in the Sam F*** is This


His new job?

Sam Brinton to Join DOE as Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition Deputy

Again, just what the fuck.

Sorry for the language, but I’m old, tired, five plus martinis into watching the world prepare for a major war and then this bullshit appears on my timelines of news.

How bad is it?

This bad:

America, we are doomed and it was sabotage.

WE, the individual American citizen, are all now on our own. Good luck.

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  1. James Spaith James Spaith 02/11/2022

    He’s awesome. Plus a member of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence!!

    And no, he doesn’t have sex with animals.

  2. James Spaith James Spaith 02/11/2022

    Plus the idiom is “Sam Hill”

    • John Galt John Galt Post author | 02/11/2022

      Nah, it’s Sam F*** with this freak.

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