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03.24.22 Russia-Ukraine War Update: Ukraine Sinks Russian Navy Vessel

The war continues with a very smart attack by Ukrainian forces which begs the question where were Russian S-400 anti-missile/anti-aircraft systems for the port of Berdyansk:

The vessel which appears to have been sunk was the Russian Navy’s Alligator Class Landing Ship Saratov:

Not a good look for the Russian Navy nor commanders in charge of that port. Here’s some video, from a distance, of the ship burning as it sunk:

Meanwhile, the destruction in Chernihiv is unbelievable:


In Mariupol, it’s a bloodbath, first the view from RT:

Then from an evacuee:

And more, including Chechens making tea while under fire:

This is not reassuring:

In the Donbas, the Russian offensive continues:

Finally, for some perspective, here is a somewhat accurate assessment of the military situation via a map issued daily from the French Ministry of Defense:

From that map, Bill Roggio makes an excellent assessment of the situation in the following thread which I highly recommend to my readers:

Please check my Telegram channel for flash updates throughout the day.

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One Comment

  1. Pat Dunne Pat Dunne 03/27/2022

    It is safe to say reports of Russia’s dfeat are exagerated

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