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04.22.22 Russia-Ukraine War: Mariupol Mostly Under Russian Control

The big story highlighted yesterday in Russian media and the UK Daily Mail is the Azovstal Steel factory in the city which has now been placed under siege per the personal orders of President Putin:

Putin declares Mariupol ‘liberated’ and orders troops NOT to storm steelworks… but ‘block them off so even a fly cannot escape’: Thousands of Ukrainians face starving to death in complex

That being the case, the situation should resolve itself in the next 48 hours as the fighters in that plant will not have much of a choice if they are truly out or almost out of ammunition and food.

Zelensky replies today that they could liberate Mariupol but foreign help would be needed thus enforcing the idea that the remaining troops will be forced to surrender soon.

That freed up some units to leave Mariupol and march north into the fray to seize the Donbass region:

The key city of Zaporozhye may well be in play soon also:

Meanwhile, Russian Spetsnaz continues to fan out ahead of the advance ambushing Ukrainian forces:

And the aftermath of the ambush:

And more ambushes as the Chechens are reportedly relocating around Kherson:

Nikoleav got hammered again overnight:

Great, now our CIA/NSA are willing to crash civilian aircraft over Russia:

Just remember, the “Western experts” said this war would be over with almost 7 weeks ago:

Lastly, if Gonzalo were one of the “club” of reporters that just rebroadcast globalist propaganda, he would be lionized or probably still alive today. I shall remind everyone of this every day. Love his works or hate them, this is just another illustration of the hypocrisy of most of the internet and all of the major media in America and Europe:

More updates will be provided via my Telegram channel throughout the day…

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