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11:10 of Gruesome Hell War Video (NSFW or Children 18+ Only)

People wonder why so many of us worry about a Civil War in the United States.

Imagine witnessing the scenes below in Georgia, Kentucky, Illinois, or yes, even the commies beloved California.

The Ukrainian military attempted an ill-advised offensive into Zaporozhye without air cover, without enough manpower to make a difference, and the myth of “western technological invincibility.” The video below from just over a week or so ago is from the initial thrust into the region against the Russian outer lines of defense by severely outmatched Ukrainian forces.

If anyone thinks that war is a “sport” and not raw, brutal, and reality beyond their imagination, watch all of this video. But not if you have kids watching, not if you’re weak of mind or stomach, and not if you are one of those idiots who think a conventional ground war between NATO and Russia or China is “winnable” because those results would be far, far worse.

The warning about “sensitive” content in the video is not to be taken lightly. The Russians have a new MLRS system which deploys anti-personnel and anti-tank mines anywhere from up to 5 km to 10 km behind enemy lines. The Ukrainians deployed “petal” mines which looked like plastic toys which maimed children in Donetsk along with soldiers as they were difficult to see also, dispersed by various munitions also.

It one thinks the US and NATO do not have systems like this, they are kidding themselves.

This is real war. The maiming, the blood, the crippling, and the screams of agony.

Pray for peace.

Before the course of war consumes the world again.

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