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The Situation at Kabul Airport is Deteriorating Rapidly

The incompetence of the Biden regime was on full display yesterday, but as daylight arrived in Afghanistan, the sad situation has gotten worse. From the UK Daily Mail:

Terror at Kabul airport: At least five killed as US troops fire shots into the air to quell crowd of thousands trying to flee Afghanistan as desperate Afghans storm airbridges to get on to planes

From the article:

At least five people have been killed at Kabul airport and three stowaways are reported to have fallen to their deaths from one airborne plane as thousands of Afghans try desperately to get on flights out of the country amid increasingly chaotic scenes.

Yes, sad to say there is video of this via Twitter:

In the next video, you will have to go full screen to see the body falling from the C-17:

Meanwhile, the US military is using AH-64’s to clear the runway so the evacuation can proceed:

And in the last few hours, the bodies of the three men who fell from the plane have been found:

Meanwhile on the civilian side of the airport, chaos continues:

Based on recent videos it would appear the military side of the airport is now secure.

So where is Senile Joe and his “team” and why the radio silence overnight? This is a clusterfuck of epic proportions which could have been avoided, yet his team failed to even read the reports from field about the ongoing collapse of the ANA (Afghan National Army) which started surrendering almost two months ago.

The level of incompetence being displayed by our Pentagon, CIA, and President is an unreal view into what a superpower’s collapse looks like.

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