Just like the typical drive-by fake news media hack always does, one of them asked a typically stupid question trying to trap Florida Governor RonDesantis today:
Gov. DeSantis on congratulating Joe Biden: ‘Not for me to do’
From FoxNews 13 in Tampa:
With Trump continuing to contest the results of last month’s election, DeSantis was asked Tuesday whether he would congratulate Biden.
“It’s not for me to do,” DeSantis said. “Here’s what I would say. We did our thing in Florida and the Electoral College voted. What’s going to happen is going to happen. I can tell you that I think a lot of the frustration for folks that supported the president was that we were four years with people not accepting him.”
As if this bitch slap wasn’t enough, here was his classic correction of another fake news “journalist” last week, from CBS Miami:
Maybe some other conservative Governors should grow a pair also. Right Greg Abbott?
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