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Ukrainian Suicide Bomber Damages Kerch Bridge in Crimea

As America slept overnight the war between Russia and Ukraine took another ugly turn. The Kerch Bridge which connects Crimea to the Russian mainland. The attack is believed to have taken place with a terrorist cell located in Krasnodar.

Video of the truck involved in the attack was released by RIA Novosti and other Russian media outlets:

The damage to both the highway and rail bridges is extensive as the video in the Tweet below illustrates:

The successful attack by a SVBIED is an indication that the Ukrainians are at a new level of desperation to slow the upcoming offensive by Russian forces and impair the ability to resupply. The Russian military can still resupply by ship since they have full control of the Sea of Azov but this is slower and will delay the upcoming offensive by at least two to three days as supplies are accumulated in Crimea.

Since day one of the war most analysts, including this author, have been wondering why Putin has demonstrated massive restraint instead of decapitating the Kiev government. One must wonder if Putin’s “civilized” approach to this war will backfire.

Now I expect Putin to turn the volume up to 11. There is no justification to the Russian people for not destroying all military and civilian infrastructure in Ukrainian cities to disable their ability to resupply and fight the war over the winter. If Putin fails to react strongly, his hold on power might also be in jeopardy.

The problem is that if Putin is replaced it will not be with a Yeltsin, more than likely the new President of Russia will be a hard nosed nationalist willing to confront all of Russia’s enemies and not show any mercy to the Ukrainian people. Stay tuned as things are going to get spicy as the weather gets colder.

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