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WTF is this? An Alien Invasion? Weird Cloud in Vietnam

Apparently this is popular in social media circles so I’ll post it here.. For my readers, I would love to hear your conclusion.

If this is an edited video it’s a good one. Otherwise…

Dear Aliens,

Don’t bother, I’m old, tough, and not worth your time.

h/t @SprinterMonitor

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  1. Anonymous Anonymous 10/31/2022

    It’s a pyrotechnics display that was perfectly timed with the right atmospheric conditions. They do that same demonstration at many of the military air shows here in the USA. Pretty cool affects.

  2. Jim Marotta Jim Marotta 11/01/2022

    Tight turn by an old jet. An old turbojet, not a turbofan. Something soviet built.

    • John Galt John Galt Post author | 11/02/2022

      Thank you. Things are just getting too weird.

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