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One of the Most Intense Firefight Videos of the Ukraine War

I post this with hesitancy because it is about as a violent depiction of war that you can see. I have been monitoring the Russia-Ukraine war since long before it started yet as the fighting began, there have been various encounters which are incredible to watch. The first one was where a Ukrainian unit a checkpoint mistakenly thought a Russian tank was one of their own leading to severed heads, legs, and a small squad wiped out.

But the video below during the combat outside of Kremennaya really was intense. The description from the poster provides a good summation but here it is in a nutshell then you can decide if my readers want to watch this.

A Russian soldier comes up on Ukrainian positions. He fires a grenade towards a trench line then approaches a dugout with two Ukrainian soldiers. He orders them to surrender, they appear confused at his order to surrender their weapons and after trying to grab one of their guns, they refused again so he killed them.

At point blank range.

WARNING: Very violent content and not safe for work.

This is real war. Next time anyone of you encounters a young video game warrior who says they want to play real war, show them this video. There is no guarantee in a real conflict as to which side of the rifle sights they might be on.

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This is the aftermath after the two Ukrainian soldiers were wasted. The fighting is getting much more intense every day now.

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  1. ontoiran ontoiran 01/11/2023

    and the warmongers /profiteers in .gov are willing to sacrifice them all to protect their perks, power, profit, and money laundry

  2. Chuck C Chuck C 01/12/2023

    Those Ukraine soldiers were just fodder to protect the money laundering operation. Once Putin takes Ukraine look for plane loads of money to start flowing to Russia to keep them from revealing all the dirty secrets uncovered in Ukraine like bio labs, hordes of cash, and incriminating documents against biden, romney, pelosi, clinton and others.
    If Putin wants to end the conflict with nato and the US he can release all the dirt he finds and let the American People clean house once and for all.

    • John Galt John Galt Post author | 01/12/2023

      So, so true.

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