Weirdly enough the news today is a “Hu” (ge) relief.
Pelosi Says Xi Reacting Like “Scared Bully” In A “Fragile Crisis”
For once, the boozing up bimbo who is third in line for the POTUS is correct.
Even the Global Times Hu Xijin looks worse than the idiots from Radio Berlin International days after these Tweets:

So what old Hu is saying is, “see we can be like North Korea too.”
Pretty sad you short pathetic Cold War Radio Tirana sounding loser.
But wait, there’s more:

What illusion is this?
I warned a weak ago that President Xi had one week to save face and he has failed miserably to do so.
China failed to do anything but fire old ammunition and armaments around Taiwan and over the island.
Zero territory occupied.
Little if any economic impact other than to scare old ladies with retirement funds who watch CNN in America.
Add in a display of weakness on every geopolitical front and no wonder the United States agreed to war games with India in the Himalayas as the ChiComs exhibited just how pathetic the regime really is:
India, US to hold wargames in Uttarakhand in October
Thus the question now becomes easy:
Is the Chinese Communist Party that weak, or did President Xi sell out to the globalist movement?
Sadly for the world that answer just might be forthcoming in the next 3 months. In the mean time, enjoy the stupidity from the paper tiger east of the Great Wall.
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