04.05.20 19:10 ET
Weather mattters.
If you don’t believe me, ask the statisticians:
We need to focus on facts and not fear. They said Florida was going to be just like New York or an “Uber Italy” when it came to hospitalizations and fatalities. This was wrong. It’s time to focus on the facts and follow a safe, smart and step-by-step plan for recovery. pic.twitter.com/tCksZJ05a3
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) May 1, 2020
The charts in the Governor’s Tweet from above says a lot:
Weird. We in Florida are not dying like we ares supposed to. How dare us disobey the fascists.
So the entire wipe out of Florida’s hospital system hasn’t happened. Weird unless one is a member of the Fake News Media which includes, sadly, the Washington Examiner:
Perhaps, just perhaps, weather matters.
Why does this humble writer say this?
Smart or Lucky? How Florida Dodged the Worst of Coronavirus
Hmmmm. So are we lucky, or just smart?
It’s weird but perhaps the fact that we have a much higher concentration of ultraviolet radiation impacting our state on a daily basis than other states along with higher humidity levels and a somewhat more educated population may indeed explain why despite the invasion of virus shedding New York residents our state is doing much better than the “curve.”
The truth? The test is coming this weekend when the weather will deteriorate severely in the MidWest and Northeast while most of Florida enjoys 80+ degree temperatures. From Accuweather.com:
An unusually chilly spring is about to turn even more shocking as cold air, moisture and a visit from the polar vortex team up to trigger way out-of-season conditions for mid-May across portions of the Northeast. AccuWeather meteorologists anticipate the upcoming pattern to bring snow that defies the norms for so late in the season and freezing conditions.
The weather late this week to this weekend and beyond may seem unreal and downright nasty after the warmest weekend of the season so far. After the temperature in New York City failed to climb to 70 degrees Fahrenheit during April for the first time in 80 years, since 1940, according to the National Weather Service (NWS), the high soared to 80 on Sunday.
For the sake of logic, and no, I am not a scientist, meteorologist, nor epidemiologist, let’s think about this.
Florida and Texas has not felt a major impact from this initial outbreak. Nor has Arizona or parts of Southern California. But hey, according to the “experts”, especially those of a liberal bent, this has no impact. Then again, huge test is coming.
Refer to the Accuweather.com article above and their graphics:
That could suck. Then again this could suck worse if the forecast verifies:
Thus if the colder weather over the next 7-10 days causes a spike in deaths from the Chinese Virus, then the coronavirus mitigation tools used now might well be declared a national failure, instead of a regional one to fit the national media narrative.
The truth is that a massive uptick in reported cases and deaths in the Midwest and Northeast could trigger a “fake 2nd wave” panic, when in fact we are still enduring the initial outbreak phase of this pandemic.
Stay tuned and as I hit my favorite outdoor gun range this weekend, I shall report back as to how us “irresponsible” goober Floridian crackers do over the next month after this immediate period of risk passes us by.
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