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Things I am Thankful for on Thanksgiving 2021

The main thing that I am thankful for is finally having some time to sit down behind this keyboard and pound out some articles this long weekend before I hit the road again next Tuesday. The truth is the Florida economy is scorching hot and everyone is visiting or moving to my home state. Hopefully this shooting star does not flame out, but onward and upward to my list of things that I am thankful for.

I am most thankful that I still do not believe anything from anyone in Washington, D.C. One would have to be pretty shallow to trust those fools.

I am thankful that there was no shortage (yet) of my new giant OLED TV being delivered this week so I can see my championship teams much more clearly as they repeat and annoy the rest of you.

I am thankful that I did not submit to the vaccine tyranny designed to turn 70% of the population into a giant lab rat. Those who need the vaccine who are risk should get it, not just because Congress critters, Senators, Federal Reserve officials, and Biden family members have Pfizer stock in their portfolios.

Also in addition to that above, I am thankful I can read objective scientific papers despite the ongoing government and private industry efforts to censor them.

I am very thankful that I do not live the new Fourth Reich of Europe. Australia gets honorable mention.

I am thankful that I have never farted on a member of any royal family like Senile Joe Biden.

I am thankful that all of the brats under 35 years old can now experience what I did in high school and college under the Jimmy Carter inflation era along with the bonus energy shortages.

I am thankful that the bull market in crypto and crap on Wall Street will teach a new generation of “investors” about the power of the IRS and government corruption.

I am thankful that I live in the Free Republic of Florida and the courage Governor DeSantis has shown fighting the Biden Junta.

I am thankful that so far, our Idiot in Chief has not stumbled our nation into World War III.

I am thankful that I get to spend this Thanksgiving with the surviving members of my family and enjoy a quiet, blessed, peaceful afternoon of Turkey, football, and time with those I love.

To everyone, please have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy every moment with your loved ones.

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