Just when yours truly thought I would have no reason to type these stories because the powers that be and the globalists had the entire…
Posts published in “GEOPOLITICS”
Tomorrow is Thursday, May 9, 2024 and perhaps it will be one of the darkest days in world history. Call it a gut feeling, maybe…
There are times when one questions the familiar chant issued from the Biden junta when they took power that the “adults were now in charge.”…
It’s happening as this author types. It’s happening so fast, I can barely keep up on social media and broadcast media is behind the curve,…
The videos are everywhere, the fake videos are everywhere, the fog of fog is everywhere. But the reality is that it would appear that the…
I’m not saying it’s scary, but… It’s getting down right spooky. Buckle up. Views: 0
I’m not saying things are happening, but, things are happening. Okay, maybe not yet, but I won’t dismiss it out of hand yet. The reality…
This is so cool. And so totally, uh, not cool. The news stories in the mainstream media are suddenly appearing again and I do not…
There are mornings when one wakes up and wonders if it would just be better to skip going to the office, the factory, or fulfilling…
Today was one of those rare days when the confluence of events globally all came into plain sight for those willing to discern between reality…
Dear Lord. The executive office for the United States has become an official clown show. #Idiocracy https://t.co/kSUhlZiuDk via @nbcnews — RealJohnGaltFLA (@RealJohnGaltFla) February 18, 2024…
Before I begin a quick review of Tucker’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, I wish to counter the current Western, including the US narrative…
So chill ladies. For those who have spent their days absorbed by the Taylor Swift mania, the United States had three soldiers killed, up to…
Centuries ago, the Union Jack was a fearsome sight to behold on the high seas. After this year, it is now a bigger joke that…