There you have it ladies and gentlemen; the real reason the lunatic left is screeching about the Texas abortion law controversy.
So why the Texas abortion law? Oh, it’s not just that, check out the new, new focus of the terrorism threat (from the NY Times):
The Right-Wingers Who Admire the Taliban
Similar opinion pieces and stories appeared suddenly on CNN, the Washington Post, and Senile Joe’s own Department of Homeland Security attempted to change the narrative of the Kabul disaster (from
DHS worried Taliban takeover could inspire extremist violence in US: report
There is also now amplified chatter about a big event on September 18th involving the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers meeting in Washington, D.C. to protest the political prisoners being held and believe me, the media will scream “squirrel” as loudly as possible to distract the sheeple from reality.
The reality?
Stupidity like this:
Milley: ‘What You Saw Unfold’ with Afghanistan Evacuation Was One of the Plans, ‘There Was an Extensive Amount of Planning in This’
Maybe General Milley and Senile Joe might want the average American to get drunk this weekend and forget about this too:
And this:
Joe Biden blames the delta variant for his weak August jobs report, saying there’s “no question” that’s why the number isn’t stronger.
— (@townhallcom) September 3, 2021
No Sleepy Joe, it couldn’t be be cause American businesses are scared to hire because of you and your party’s incompetence, no way.
Maybe they need the distractions because of this (from the Times of San Diego):
AAA: Labor Day Travelers Paying Highest Gas Prices Ever
Or maybe it is this (via Bloomberg):
Soaring Cost of Food Is Forcing Families to Scrimp at the Dinner Table
And this is without even going into the risks of terrorism from Islamists brought in from Afghanistan, the failure of the Covid vaccines and program from Biden, or the loss of respect America now suffers in the eyes of the world.
Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend folks but remember:
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