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US Marines Running out of Food at US Consulate in Shanghai

If anyone needs any more evidence of the incompetence of the Biden Junta, here is the Blinken State Department and Lloyd Austin’s Pentagon proving that they the most pathetic sort of bumbling bureaucrats since the Carter era:

U.S. Consulate Staff in China Help Marines Running Low on Rations

via US News/Reuters:

SHANGHAI (Reuters) – Generous colleagues helped out seven U.S. Marines at the U.S. consulate in Shanghai who were running out of fresh food because of a strict coronavirus lockdown, according to posts in private consulate message groups.

Shanghai has been hit by food shortages as the citywide lockdown puts pressure on delivery staff amid surging COVID-19 numbers.

A U.S. consulate employee issued a plea on the WeChat platform on Tuesday for staff to spare some food for the Marines. He was not acting in an official capacity, a person with knowledge of the matter said.

“Marines have depleted their food and can no longer get delivery,” the employee told colleagues living in Shanghai.

Seriously? There is no 45 to 60 day emergency ration plan for our Marines deployed to protect embassies and consulates in hostile nations? What kind of incompetent planning is this. What idiot failed to realize that there is a zero Covid policy in China and this was possible?

Good God our nation is now being run by the most incompetent group of idiots in modern American history.

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